Objective: implementation of capitalistic councilism by establishing new form of governing that complements existing democratic regime in target countries. It is similar to corporate board.
People choose representation through parliament and the government is doing power sharing with international political council. Mutually agreed Prime Minister is appointed by governor and parliament. It is a parliamentary republic with external political force.

The 3 Forces of the Political Life
A normal political process includes 3 forces: nominal power (elected officials), de facto power (influencers), and activists (location or issue based). Councilism is a formalization of the de facto power.
Unique solutions for involved countries
1) Addressing extremism without imprisoning.
As maintaining stability is a main goal, removing troublemakers from society is necessary. The number is quite small (less than 1 in a million per year). As the council strives to control multiple countries, the resettlement program can be implemented. After the person in question goes through professional education and training, he gets the opportunity to start a new life in another country.
2) Free labor migration in involved countries subject to quotas. It is a valuable solution for small countries.
3) Mediator of local partisan politics.
4) Significant reduction in military expenses. Aggregated military force extends to several countries.
5) Simplified taxation for major corporations. Negotiated yearly payment reduces administrative burden and gives budget stability.
6) Restriction on legislature volume.
7) Insurer role. No need to keep financial reserve.
8) Unified currency.
9) Introduction of political competence test for those seeking elective public office.
Motivation for countries
- For small countries: acting as an insurer against disaster events. (For example, hurricane in Dominica, that damaged most buildings in 2017)
- For big ones: acting as a political force against the failure of a government.
- Situational: stepping in during the time of political conflict/unrest. At least 5 countries a year.